4* Money Maker
(MLB) San Francisco vs. Arizona,
Money Line: -105.00 Arizona (Home)
Result: Win
Taking the DIAMONDBACKS here. Nearly just went +185 on the RL. This Giants team gets a lot of love. I get MadBum and Cueto at the top of a rotation will bring joy to many fans. But it is a drop-off after that. Enter Samardzija. For all his hype, he had a career high 12 wins last year. 12! Guy is an average pitcher at best. He gets shelled every spring. Now. I am a bit biased since I do like me some Robbie Ray. Kid is young, and can strike people out. Obviously got into trouble with the walks last year. Just think this Arizona team can hit a bit more than SF. 4* Money Maker ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS