(NBA) LA Clippers vs. Portland, 10/27/2016 6:30 PM, Score: 114 - 106
Point Spread: 2.00 | -104.00 Portland (Home)
Result: Loss
This is a 6* play on the Portland Trailblazers.

The Blazers opened the season with a 113-104 win over Utah, and they've now won 10 of their last 11 home games dating back to last season. They knocked the Clippers out of the playoffs last year, winning the conference quarterfinals 4-2. They won all three home meetings in that series. The Blazers shot 13-of-19 (68.4 percent) from beyond the arc in their home opener, and they were 22-of-22 (100 percent) from the free throw line. Damian Lillard is considered a threat to win the MVP this season, and he looked the part scoring 39 points in the win over the Jazz. Some might see this a revenge spot for the Clippers, but I honestly don't think a win here does anything to heal the pain of last year's upset. In fact I think this is more of an opportunity for the young Blazers to prove that it was no fluke. The Blazers were 28-13 at the Moda Center last year, and I'll take them here as a dog against a Clippers team that they owned in last year's playoffs.

Take POR.


Jesse Schule